1. Developing the right to social security :
المؤلف: Beth Goldblatt.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Sex discrimination against women-- Law and legislation-- Australia.,Sex discrimination against women-- Law and legislation-- India.,Sex discrimination against women-- Law and legislation-- South Africa.,Sex discrimination against women-- Law and legislation.,Social rights.,Social security-- Law and legislation-- Australia.,Social security-- Law and legislation-- India.,Social security-- Law and legislation-- South Africa.,Social security-- Law and legislation.,Sex discrimination against women-- Law and legislation.,Social rights.,Social security-- Law and legislation.,Australia.,India.,South Africa., 7, 7, 7
رده :
2. Developing the right to social security : a gender perspective
المؤلف: Beth Goldblatt
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی زن و خانواده (تهران) (طهران)
موضوع: Sex discrimination against women > Law and legislation ***** Social security > Law and legislation ***** Social security > Law and legislation > India ***** Social security > Law and legislation > South Africa ***** Social security > Law and legislation > Australia ***** Sex discrimination against women > Law and legislation > India ***** Sex discrimination against women > Law and legislation > South Africa ***** Sex discrimination against women > Law and legislation > Australia *****
3. Women's Rights to Social Security and Social Protection
المؤلف: \ edited by Beth Goldblatt and Lucie Lamarche.
المکتبة: کتابخانه زبانهای خارجی و منابع اسلامی (قم)
موضوع: Social legislation -- Congresses.,Women's rights -- Congresses.,Women -- Social conditions -- Congresses.,Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Congresses.,Social security -- Law and legislation -- Congresses.,قانون اجتماعی -- کنگره ها,حقوق زنان -- کنگره ها,زنان -- موقعیت اجتماعی -- کنگره ها,زنان -- وضع حقوقی و قوانین -- کنگرهها ,تامین اجتماعی -- قوانین و مقررات -- کنگره ها
رده :